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User Roles and Status Explained
Updated over 7 months ago

User Roles

There are two main user roles on Spiky:

  • Admin

  • User


Admins can;

  • Adjust the company profile settings

  • Manage the teams in the organization

  • Manage company Scribe and meeting-sharing settings

  • Track the people in the company profile

As an admin on Spiky, admins will have full access on the meetings and settings pages.

  • On the meetings page, admins can see everyone's meetings and their analysis, even if they are not a participant in that meeting.

  • On the settings page, admins can change the company's settings and see/edit the account types of the people in the company profile.

If you are an admin, you can edit your own and others' user roles and status. Please see this article for more detailed information.


Users are made for personal usage. Users cannot access other people's data (meetings, analysis) besides themselves.

Users will have a limited access on meetings and settings pages.

  • On the meetings page, users will see only the meetings and their analysis where they are one of the participants.

  • On the settings page, users can modify their personal account settings and view their team's user types. However, they cannot change the account type of any team member, including themselves.

User Status

There are two main user statuses on Spiky:

  • Active

  • Observer


The active user status in Spiky includes the ability to analyze meetings. Active users can analyze meetings. All other access permissions for users with active status are determined based on their user roles.

For example, an active user cannot view other users' meetings but have access to analyze their own meetings.


The observer user status in Spiky is only for viewing meeting analyses. Observers cannot analyze meetings. All other access permissions for users with observer status are determined based on their user roles.

For example, an observer admin can view all users' meetings but does not have access to analyze meetings themselves.

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