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Calendar Connection for Your Account
Updated over 6 months ago

Spiky offers seamless calendar integration, allowing you to efficiently record, transcribe and manage your meetings and conferences from a single platform.

Here's a guide to connecting your calendar account to Spiky:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Account > Integrations in Spiky.

  2. Choose your calendar provider and click the Connect button. Spiky supports popular providers like Google Calendar and Outlook Calendar.

  3. You may be redirected to the login page of your chosen calendar provider. Enter the valid username and password for the calendar account you want to integrate with Spiky.

  4. Review the requested permissions carefully and grant access for Spiky to access your calendar information.

  5. Once you've provided your credentials and authorized access, Spiky will attempt to establish a connection with your calendar. A confirmation message might appear within the Spiky application to notify you of successful integration.

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