There will be a difference between a member and a non-member of Spiky when it comes to seeing the content of the shared analysis. The people who don't have a Spiky account will see a bit of different information in the shared analysis. This mainly protects your unique data from those who are not a part of your company.
The shared analysis report includes the following:
Meeting video and option to rewatch
Meeting summary with action items and talking durations per participant
Overview and Expanded Summary of the meeting
Meeting transcript
Filtering and search option for the transcript
The shared analysis report does not include the following:
Talking and screen-sharing intervals per participant
Feedback based on the type of meeting
Interaction graph
Key moments in the meeting
Questions and next steps in the follow-up section
Personal and company keyword trackers
Coaching for improvement areas based on the feedback
Deep dive section covering vocal emotion, energy, and language emotion for each participant